White Label Software: Your Secret Weapon for Business Growth and Innovation

Apr 11, 2023·

7 min read

White Label Software: Your Secret Weapon for Business Growth and Innovation

So, the first question is what is it? White-labeled software is software that is built by one company but is rebranded and sold by another company under its brand name. Mainly these software are from Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses that give the license of their software to companies to use as their own or over an agreed-upon subscription term.

White-label SaaS goods typically include software and services and are renamed for various businesses. They accomplish this by either including a customer's brand components in the software or by providing their clients with an unbranded platform.

The purpose of white-labeling by software developers.

The purpose of white-labeling by software developers is to provide customizable and branded software products to companies that can sell them without having to build the software from scratch it will save a lot of time for companies that have a lot of customers.

Software developers can also increase their customer base and have a higher stream of revenue. White labeling can help software developers establish themselves as leaders in their industry by creating a product that is widely used and recognized.

Benefits of white labeling for a company

  • Expand product offering- The companies can add the white-labeled software as their product by properly customizing its color, font and other features and selling it as their own.

  • Faster Marketing- Keeping an eye on the market and using white-labeled software can do wonders for a company as it will save the time of building it from scratch, which can help them bring new products and services to market faster.

  • Cost savings- White-label goods can be more affordable to use than building a bespoke solution from scratch. Businesses can cut expenses and increase profitability by avoiding the cost of software creation, upkeep, and support.

  • Customization and flexibility- White-labeled software is easily customizable and can be used to adjust for specific needs of business and software, the flexibility of the software allows businesses to provide a unique product that helps businesses stand out from the crowd.

  • Scalability- The software is mainly scalable which means it can grow with the business and this helps the business to keep up with the growing customer base without investing in a new product that has to be built from scratch.

  • Improved customer experience- White-label products are often designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. This can help improve the customer experience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention.

  • Reduced Cost- White-labeled software is more effective than building custom solution software in-house. Businesses can avoid the expense of software development, maintenance, and support, which can help reduce costs and improve profitability.

  • Brand Recognization: End users can quickly identify your brand thanks to the hues, emblem, and distinguishing features that are used to represent it. Additionally, since you're associating your brand with a high-quality item, confidence and recognition are raised.

White Labeling process

  • Identifying the needed software- The first step is to identify the software that your company whats to sell under its brand name. This could be a software application, a cloud service, or any other type of software.

  • Testing the software- This step is absolutely important before reselling the software test it out it can be done through a freemium model, a free trial, or even if you have to invest a small amount to get a prototype.

  • Licensing Fees- The expenses related to using white-label goods are the licensing payments. Like any other SaaS utility or product, license costs for SaaS are based on a subscription model. You pay a yearly or monthly subscription fee in exchange for the right to use, market, and distribute the product under your name.

  • The essential Changes- Make the changes so that the software you are selling looks like your own brand, yes you can't change it all but the logo, color pallet, and font are a few changes you should make so that customers identify the product as your own.

Points to keep in mind while White labeling

  1. Choose the right partner- The success of your white-labeling strategy depends on the quality of the software you are reselling. It's important to choose the right partner that can deliver high-quality software that meets your customer's needs.

  2. Customize the branding- Your white-label software should reflect your brand's identity. So, customize the branding elements such as logo, packaging, and labeling to match your brand's aesthetics and messaging.

  3. Price your products competitively- White labeling is all about adding value to re are reselling. So, make sure you price your products competitively while also considering the quality and features of the product.

  4. Create a marketing strategy- A solid marketing strategy is essential to promote your white-label software to potential customers. Utilize social media, content marketing, email marketing, and other channels to reach your target audience.

  5. Provide excellent customer support- Your white-label customers will expect the same level of customer support as they would receive from your brand. So, ensure that you provide excellent customer support to build trust and loyalty among your customers.

  6. Maintain a strong relationship with your partner- Your white-labeling partnership is a long-term relationship. So, maintain regular communication with your partner, provide feedback, and work collaboratively to improve the products or services you are reselling.

Few commonly used White Labeled software services

As a reseller company here is a few commonly used software that you can include under your product list that can help you to be in the competitive market.

  • CRM Software

  • Marketing Automation software

  • Accounting Software

  • Project management software

  • Social Media Monitoring tool

  • E-mail Marketing Software

  • Landing Page Builder

    Let's know what all these are in detail and a few software that are available in the real world to help get a better understanding of the software.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software helps you manage your customers, manage vendor relationships, internal sales activities, and marketing teams. The market for CRM is increasing day by day according to https://www.superoffice.com/blog/crm-software-statistics/ CRM software is expected to reach $80 billion by 2025.

Marketing Automation software is used in marketing automation to handle repetitive marketing tasks. To increase productivity and give consumers a more individualized experience, marketing teams can automate repetitive chores like email marketing, social media posting, and even ad campaigns. These duties can be completed more quickly and easily thanks to the technology behind marketing automation.

Accounting Software enables companies to systematize and streamline their financial management procedures, resulting in more precise records and improved organizational effectiveness for routine tasks like reconciliation and invoicing. The functionality and complexity of accounting products differ, and many of the solutions are tailored for use by businesses of a particular scale.

Project management software is often used by consulting firms, IT service providers, and other businesses that provide project management services to their clients. When choosing project management software that you can rebrand and resell, consider a white-label platform. This type of software can offer many benefits for your business, including increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and revenue. Below are some project management software-

Social Media Monitoring tools are available to listen to, follow, and react to content that is pertinent to a sector, a company, a product, or an event on social media platforms. Tools for monitoring social media can be used to find, track, and analyze trends, rivals, and customer sentiment. Also, they are employed to gather activity streams from various sources, such as social media posts and reactions to customer comments, onto a single platform. Marketing departments utilize them most commonly to inform social media marketing and advertising initiatives.

E-mail Marketing Software is one of the white-labeled software that should be under your brand name to resell. Nearly all brands are using email in their marketing initiatives as the channel for email marketing is witnessing a renaissance.

Landing Page Builder plays an important role as in the virtual business era, running a business without a landing page is about impossible. Landing pages are the doorway for new offers and leads. That's why you should have a reselling white-labeled landing page software to be in the market.

These are some of the white-labeled software tools that are commonly available to sell and resell in the market, white labeled software has its pros and cons that you have to keep in mind.

In conclusion

If said in simple words white labeled software is a strategy where programmers build a software service or product and then sell it to companies who then sell that software under their brand name. This software is customizable and flexible before the company resells the product they fully customize it so that the software looks like its product. It is important to choose the right partner, brand, price of the software, create a marketing strategy, customer support, maintain a strong relationship with the partner to make the white-labeling strategy successful.